Army Officer Saves Passenger’s Life Onboard Pune-Chandigarh Indigo Flight

Army Officer Saves Passenger's Life Onboard Pune-Chandigarh Indigo Flight

Army Officer Saves Passenger's Life Onboard Pune-Chandigarh Indigo Flight

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Major Simrat Rajdeep Singh’s quick actions avert tragedy mid-air

June 18, 2024

In a remarkable display of courage and medical expertise, Major Simrat Rajdeep Singh, an Army doctor, saved the life of a critically ill 27-year-old passenger during an Indigo flight from Pune to Chandigarh. The officer’s swift intervention ensured the safety and survival of the distressed passenger.

According to agency reports, Major Singh, a medical officer with the Western Command Hospital in Chandimandir (Haryana), was travelling on the flight when a co-passenger who had boarded in Goa began experiencing severe respiratory distress at an altitude of 39,000 feet.

Equipped with the necessary emergency drugs and medical tools provided by the flight crew, Major Singh administered the required medications through an intravenous line and maintained continuous oxygen support for an hour. Recognizing the severity of the situation, he requested the flight captain to lower the altitude and make an emergency landing at the nearest airport, as Chandigarh was still two hours away.

The flight promptly diverted to Mumbai, the closest airport. Emergency preparations were made to rush the patient to the hospital as soon as the flight landed. Upon landing, the patient was immediately transported to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation-run R. N. Cooper Hospital.

Major Singh later communicated with the attending doctor at the hospital, learning that an emergency dialysis was performed, and the patient was in a stable condition and feeling better.

The quick thinking and decisive actions of Major Singh exemplify the dedication and professionalism of our armed forces, showcasing their readiness to serve and protect even in the most unexpected situations.