Maharashtra Braces for Heavy Rainfall After Prolonged Dry Spell: Orange Alert Issued

Maharashtra Braces for Heavy Rainfall After Prolonged Dry Spell: Orange Alert Issued

Maharashtra Braces for Heavy Rainfall After Prolonged Dry Spell: Orange Alert Issued

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Sudden monsoon activity to bring heavy rains and thunderstorms across Maharashtra, impacting sowing activities and raising concerns over drought conditions.

23 June 2024

Maharashtra is set to experience heavy rainfall after a prolonged dry spell. While the first monsoon rains touched down around June 4, a sudden hiatus left the state dry until the beginning of this week.

The recent weather shift is attributed to a trough at mean sea level running off the south Maharashtra-Goa-Karnataka-Kerala coasts.

Monsoon Revival

Under the trough’s influence, regions including Gujarat, Konkan-Goa, Madhya Maharashtra, and Marathwada can expect scattered to fairly widespread light to moderate rainfall over the next five days. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has also warned of isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall, with thunderstorms and lightning, particularly in the districts of Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Raigad, and the ghats of Pune, Satara, and Kolhapur. An orange alert has been issued for these areas from June 23 to June 27.

Rainfall Deficiency and Its Impact

Despite the onset of the monsoon, June rainfall has been deficient in half of Maharashtra. This has adversely affected sowing activities and exacerbated a drought-like situation that has persisted for almost a year. According to IMD data, eighteen districts, including Mumbai, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Kolhapur, Nandurbar, Hingoli, and Chandrapur, have reported largely deficient to deficient rainfall from June 1 to June 20.

An official from the agriculture department noted that multiple areas in Maharashtra have yet to begin sowing due to the delayed rainfall. Farmers have expressed disappointment, having anticipated good rains this month. The normal date for the monsoon to cover the entire state was June 15, but many parts are still waiting for the full arrival of the rains.

Weather Forecast and Alerts

According to retired IMD official Anupam Kashyapi, the monsoon is expected to become active and vigorous in Maharashtra due to the trough off the Maharashtra-Kerala coast and strong westerly winds from the Arabian Sea, coupled with the presence of packed isobars. An orange alert has been issued for Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Raigad, and the ghats of Pune, Satara, and Kolhapur from June 23 to June 27. Additionally, the likely formation of a low-pressure system around June 27 in the Bay of Bengal is expected to further strengthen the monsoon.

The return of heavy rains is crucial for the state, especially for the agricultural sector, which has been significantly impacted by the delayed monsoon. As Maharashtra braces for the upcoming heavy rainfall, authorities and residents are urged to stay alert and take necessary precautions to mitigate the impact of adverse weather conditions.