Mumbai Architect, Pune Techie Arrested for Substance Use at Illegal Party

Mumbai Architect, Pune Techie Arrested for Substance Use at Illegal Party

Mumbai Architect, Pune Techie Arrested for Substance Use at Illegal Party

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Arrests Highlight Risks of Illegal Activities in Entertainment Venues

June 26, 2024

PUNE: The city police yesterday arrested a 34-year-old architect from Goregaon East, Mumbai, and a 34-year-old software engineer from Mundhwa, after identifying them in a viral video clip consuming a substance at Liquid Leisure Lounge (L3) bar on FC Road during an illegal party on Sunday.

The police confirmed the identities of the two men, who are close friends. “We produced the two men before a city court that ordered their police remand till June 29,” they said.

The bar was raided on Sunday afternoon following allegations of drug use at the party, which continued until 4:30 AM, violating the 1:30 AM closure deadline. Dust and powder swabs collected from the establishment have been sent for chemical analysis.

The party was attended by a group of 40-50 revellers, mainly IT and private firm employees and regular partygoers aged 22-35. However, the police probe revealed that the two arrested men were not part of this group. Before reaching L3, the group had partied in a pub in Hadapsar.

A crime branch team identified some party participants through UPI transactions made to pay the entry fees to the bar’s event manager. The video was circulated among the participants, one of whom knew the duo, leading to their detention at their residences.

Pune police commissioner Amitesh Kumar stated, “As of now, we can say that Thombre brought the contraband to Pune. Thombre, Mishra, and one more person entered the bar’s washroom to divide the substance into three parts for consumption. When our team reached Thombre’s Mumbai home, we found a five-gram powder in his possession. The powder is similar to MD drugs and it is being verified by forensic experts.” 

One of the two bar owners and three license holders operating the facility were among eight men arrested on Monday on charges of conspiracy to organize an illegal party and disobedience. All eight are in police custody till June 29.