Police Complaint Filed Against Rahul Gandhi In Pune: Allegations of Promising Money Through Magical MethodsĀ 

Police Complaint Filed Against Rahul Gandhi In Pune: Allegations of Promising Money Through Magical Methods

Police Complaint Filed Against Rahul Gandhi In Pune: Allegations of Promising Money Through Magical Methods

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A complaint has been lodged with the Pune Police against Rahul Gandhi, alleging that he misled the public by promising financial benefits through magical means. According to the complainant, the statements made by Rahul Gandhi in various speeches during April and May 2024 suggested that millions of impoverished Indians would receive monetary deposits into their bank accounts through magical interventions. These claims, which were widely circulated on television and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, allegedly created a misconception among many women in the area.

The complainant, Aarti Kondhre clarified that such financial benefits promised through magical practices were impossible and led to public deception. A complaint was filed in Pune against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday under the Black Magic Act 2013 and Sections 415 (Cheating) and 420 (Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property) of the Indian Penal Code. 

The complainant sought legal action against Rahul Gandhi, aiming to prevent such misleading claims and to uphold the law against superstition. Following this complaint, legal advisor Satya Muley was consulted for advice on the matter. The complaint alleges that Rahul Gandhi’s statements caused financial harm to the public, warranting investigation under the specified legal provisions.

ā€œHow can Mr. Rahul Gandhi talk of offering money to people by magical methods, and also talk of protecting the Constitution of India in his narrative? This is like cheating illiterate, downtrodden, underprivileged citizens of India by exploiting the methods of blind faith, offering money to secure their votes  by active influence. This is crime under the Prevention of Black Magic Act and also under Section 415 and 420 of Indian Penal Code. Such methods are dangerous to Indian Democracy and Constitution of India has provisions to eliminate such practices,ā€ said Satya Muley, Advocate for the Complainant.