Pune: Citizens Raise Concerns Over Modifications To HCMTR Project

Pune: Citizens Raise Concerns Over Modifications To HCMTR Project

Pune: Citizens Raise Concerns Over Modifications To HCMTR Project

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Pune Citizen Groups Criticize State Government’s Approval for HCMTR Changes, Calling for Completion of Existing Projects

24 June, 2024

Pune: Citizen groups in Pune have expressed strong objections to the state government’s recent approval of modifications to the High Capacity Mass Transit Route (HCMTR) project. They argue that the revised plan will exacerbate the city’s traffic congestion rather than alleviate it.

Qaneez Sukhrani, convenor of the Association of Nagar Road Citizens Forum, criticized the government’s decision, suggesting that efforts should be focused on completing the 128 km Ring Road instead. “Instead of boosting intra-city traffic with the HCMTR, the government should concentrate on acquiring land to complete the Ring Road. This will ensure Pune is not intruded upon by inter-city traffic, especially heavy vehicles,” Sukhrani stated.

Sukhrani further questioned the government’s priorities, asking why ongoing projects are not being completed before embarking on new ones like the HCMTR. The citizens’ group also criticized the state’s “apparent obsession” with constructing more flyovers, bridges, and grade separators, which they argue is turning Pune into a “labyrinth” of such structures.

“Why should so much public funds be wasted when projects started decades ago are not yet complete?” Sukhrani asked. She demanded the formation of a special team of experts to ensure the closure of long-pending projects, emphasizing the need for better project management and prioritization.

Congress leader Aba Bagul joined the chorus of criticism, questioning who stands to benefit from the alignment changes in the HCMTR plan. “The HCMTR will come on the existing DP Road at several locations. Why are they introducing modifications in the plan? This is an important road, and I’ve earlier protested against introducing modifications. If the original HCMTR plan doesn’t see the light of day, then we will protest and go to high court,” Bagul stated.

The objections raised by citizen groups and political leaders reflect broader concerns about urban planning and infrastructure development in Pune. As the debate over the HCMTR modifications continues, the call for a more thoughtful and sustainable approach to city planning grows louder, urging the government to prioritize existing projects and public transport improvements over new road constructions.