Pune: Pebbles 2 Society Residents from Bavdhan Meet Local Leader to Address Cremation Site, Safety, and Road Concerns

Pune: Pebbles 2 Society Residents From Bavdhan Raise Key Community Concerns

Pune: Pebbles 2 Society Residents From Bavdhan Raise Key Community Concerns

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Harjeet Kaur Chabra  

Residents from Pebbles 2 Society met with Kiran Dagade Patil, a prominent local leader, to address three major community concerns that have been troubling them. During the meeting, society members emphasized the need for immediate action on several issues affecting their daily lives and well-being.

The first concern raised was the ongoing practice of cremating deceased individuals behind their residential areas. This practice has caused significant health and environmental worries among the residents. They urged Patil to relocate the cremation site to a more appropriate location. One resident remarked, “This issue has affected their health and peace of mind. We hope for a respectful solution for all.”

Additionally discussed was the presence of Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) soliciting customers in the nearby lanes. This activity has made residents, especially families with children, feel unsafe. The community members requested Patil to work with law enforcement to address this problem. A concerned parent stated, “We want a safe and clean environment for our children. This situation needs urgent attention.”

Lastly, they focused on the lack of a speed breaker on the service road adjacent to the society. Speeding vehicles pose a constant threat to pedestrians, leading to frequent accidents. The residents stressed the need for an additional speed breaker to enhance road safety. “Installing a speed breaker could save lives and prevent accidents,” a resident highlighted.

In response to these concerns, Kiran Dagade Patil promised swift action on various community issues. He pledged to work with authorities to resolve all issues within a week. Patil commended the dedication to improving the neighbourhood and assured residents that he would personally cover the costs of fixing speed breakers. “I will pay for the speed breakers out of my pocket,” he confirmed. The meeting ended on a hopeful note, with residents feeling optimistic about the promised changes. This engagement highlights the power of community involvement and responsive leadership.