Pune: Residents of Kalyani Nagar Frustrated By Rampant Littering Of Beer Bottles On Road Dividers

Pune: Residents of Kalyani Nagar Frustrated By Rampant Littering Of Beer Bottles On Road Dividers

Pune: Residents of Kalyani Nagar Frustrated By Rampant Littering Of Beer Bottles On Road Dividers

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Central Avenue, a once-pristine roadway lined with green spaces, a school and a hospital, has become a hotspot for the dumping of beer bottles and other alcohol-related trash amidst the bustling city streets.

1 May 2024

By Ishika Kumar

In the serene neighbourhood of Kalyani Nagar, residents are increasingly concerned about a hazardous and unsightly issue that’s quite literally shattering the peace. Central Avenue, a once-pristine roadway lined with green spaces, a school and a hospital, has become a hotspot for the dumping of beer bottles and other alcohol-related trash amidst the bustling city streets.

Residents, tired of this negligence, are speaking out against what they describe as a shameful practice. They point out that the problem isn’t just an eyesore; it’s a safety risk, especially to the younger and more vulnerable members of the community as there are schools and hospitals nearby: people can be exposed to such dangerous objects. 

The footpaths and road dividers, intended for safe passage and beautification, are now littered with glass shards and discarded bottles. Rachna Agarwal, a concerned parent and area resident, shared her observations, noting that the scattered bottles not only pose a physical danger but also present a disturbing scene.

“Children often pick up these bottles, and many people, looking for a shaded spot to rest, find themselves sitting amidst this trash, and the ones who sit and drink in these spots, litter on. It’s disheartening,” she explains. 

This litter issue is impaired by the proximity to Koregaon Park as well, a popular hangout that attracts both local and visiting crowds who, seeking relaxation and entertainment, end up contributing to the mess on their way home. According to Rachna, even though local sanitation efforts are usually prompt, the recent diversion of the sanitation staff to manage election duties has led to a noticeable decline in maintenance. “The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) seems to be in a deep slumber,” Rachna laments, voicing a common frustration about the difficulty in getting timely action from local authorities.

Jaffar Iqbal, another resident, highlights a different aspect of the problem. “This happens due to open drinking on the roads, footpaths and outside local wine shops,” he says. The casual disposal of bottles by individuals drinking in cars or public spaces is rampant, with East Avenue Road near a wine shop being particularly affected by this. The randomness and spread of this issue make it difficult to pinpoint the responsibility and address it effectively. Jaffar adds, “We can’t blame one individual or location since the problem occurs at different places and times.”

The frustration is palpable among the community members, who feel both the PMC and local businesses should take greater responsibility. The proximity of alcohol outlets to residential areas and their role in this ongoing litter problem has been a contentious issue, with many calling for stricter regulations and better enforcement of public drinking laws. 

Community leaders and concerned citizens are rallying for immediate action. Proposals include more frequent patrols by sanitation workers, signboards prohibiting littering, the installation of more public trash bins and potentially, stricter oversight of alcohol consumption in public spaces. Moreover, some residents believe that raising public awareness about the consequences of such littering could foster a more respectful and conscientious attitude towards public spaces. Educational campaigns, community clean-up drives and more robust recycling initiatives are among the suggested strategies to combat the problem.

As the situation on Central Avenue continues to evolve, the residents of Kalyani Nagar hope for a swift and sustainable resolution. They emphasise that the beauty and safety of their neighbourhood depend heavily on how quickly and effectively this issue is addressed, urging both authorities and fellow citizens to act responsibly and respectfully to restore the area to its former state.