Pune Traffic police to impose partial ban on heavy vehicles on key roads in city 

Pune Traffic police to impose partial ban on heavy vehicles on key roads in city

Pune Traffic police to impose partial ban on heavy vehicles on key roads in city ( Representational Image )

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In an effort to alleviate traffic congestion in central Pune, the traffic police department has imposed a ban on commercial tempos and trucks from plying and halting on key roads. This ban will be effective from 9 am to 12 pm and from 4 pm to 9 pm. The aim is to address the issue of these vehicles occupying roadside spaces, which often leads to traffic snarls.

Eleven roads have been identified for this partial ban, including Shivaji Road, Bajirao Road, Laxmi Road, parts of Tilak Road, FC Road, Kelkar Road, Kumthekar Road, MG Road, and North Main Road. The restrictions will be implemented on a trial basis until further notice.

Residents and commuters have long been grappling with daily traffic congestion in the city’s central areas. A representative of the Autorickshaw Union highlighted the impact on students during exam times due to sudden traffic jams. Advocating for a solution, he suggested allowing commercial vehicles to load and unload only during non-peak hours. He urged the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to ensure encroachment-free stretches near schools and colleges.

The Retailer Shopkeepers’ Association has pledged cooperation with the police to keep the traffic flowing smoothly. A member of the association emphasized the importance of shopkeepers refraining from occupying additional space on roads and footpaths.

Overall, this initiative seeks to alleviate traffic congestion in central Pune, with stakeholders voicing support for measures that ensure smoother traffic flow and safer roads for all.

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