Viral Video: Cobra surfaces from toilet; Indore rescuer captures terrifying moment

Viral Video: Cobra surfaces from toilet; Indore rescuer captures terrifying moment

Viral Video: Cobra surfaces from toilet; Indore rescuer captures terrifying moment

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Wildlife Rescuer Rajesh Jat’s Viral Video Stuns Online Viewers

June 25, 2024

A recent incident in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, where a snake rescuer discovered a large cobra in a toilet commode, has captured the internet’s attention. The video has both horrified and fascinated viewers online.

Wildlife rescuer Rajesh Jat shared the video on Instagram. In the footage, Rajesh is seen entering a bathroom where the cobra had hidden. Initially, the snake was hard to spot, but Rajesh used a hose to coax the cobra out of the commode with a stream of water.

As the cobra began to emerge from the toilet, the tension in the video escalated. Rajesh swiftly grabbed the cobra by its tail and removed the struggling reptile from the bathroom. The snake was identified as an Indian spectacled cobra, known for its potent venom.

Rajesh recounted the intense encounter, which took place on the night of April 1. He explained that a local resident called to report the snake in their bathroom. Rajesh advised them to keep an eye on the snake from a safe distance, but their fear led them to lock the bathroom door from the outside. When Rajesh arrived, he initially couldn’t locate the snake until he checked the commode, where he saw the cobra staring back at him.

“I looked inside the commode and saw something black, which appeared to be the mouth of a highly venomous cobra,” he told a news agency.

Since being posted, the video has garnered significant attention, amassing thousands of views and a flurry of reactions in the comment section.

One user shuddered, “My fear came to reality,” 

while another added, “New fear unlocked.”

Another comment highlighted the danger, “Indian spectacled cobra highly venomous snake.”

One curious viewer asked, “How did the house owner discover it?”
