Backward Is New Forward: Discover Unexpected Advantages Of Walking Backwards

Backward Is New Forward: Discover Unexpected Advantages Of Walking Backwards

Backward Is New Forward: Discover Unexpected Advantages Of Walking Backwards

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All the fitness freaks get your shoes on to start sprinting one step back for a healthier life!

June 26, 2024

Want to get a headstart when it comes to levelling up our fitness and well-being? Consider walking backwards as a novel way of exercising to enhance your fitness routine beyond the conventional jogging style. 

Scientific evidence and phenomena have suggested the merits of walking backwards and here’s a closer look at them recommended by Dr. Surender Pal Singh, HOD Physiotherapy Department at CK Birla Hospital, Delhi. He mentions all the range of benefits this simple practice may offer:

  1. Strengthens Cores and Glutes: Walking backwards engages these muscles for better posture,stability, and reduced back pain. 
  2. Improves Neuromuscular Control: Enhances  proprioception that enables greater body awareness and coordination and ultimately can lead to more controlled and efficient body movements in all our activities.  
  3. Reduces Knee Strain: Walking backwards minimises the impact on knee joints compared to jogging. Therefore, people affected by knee strains especially, the elderly individuals can definitely practise walking backwards to improve their health conditions. 
  4. Enhances Metabolism: It can boost resting metabolic heart rate, aiding calorie burning. 
  5. Treatment for Arthritis: Arthritis literally means joint inflammation. Joints are various places where two bones meet. There are many different types of arthritis with different causes and medical care. In some types, other organs such eyes, hear, or skin can also be affected. Therefore, walking backwards can be used in treating arthritis. 
  6. Boosts cardiorespiratory fitness: Allowing our heart and lungs to receive more oxygen while exercising. 
  7. Protection from Injuries and Improved Sports Performance: It is scientifically recommended for improved athletes training especially, rugby players run backwards an average of  3.6 to 5.4m after each tackle. It can act as an injury resistance tool.  Reports suggest 3.4% of total distance covered is backwards running by professional handball athletes and even elite soccer players cover 3-4% of entire match distance running backwards. 

Although, walking backwards provides a wide range of benefits, it is extremely significant to acknowledge who can exercise this practice and who should adopt psychological and physiological advice. Dr. Singh advises caution for those with neuromuscular disorders affecting balance and coordination such as difficulties with cough perception or sensory integration loss. It is trivial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting, especially if anyone has health concerns.  

On the whole, walking backwards is the new vibe of modern day era fitness routines and it can provide immense strength and power to common fitness freaks as well as professional sportspeople. However, health cautions and medical devices should be considered seriously to ensure the well-being of ourselves and others around us.