Celebrate 10th International Day Of Yoga Marking Theme “Yoga for Women Empowerment”

Celebrate 10th International Day Of Yoga Marking Theme “Yoga for Women Empowerment”

Celebrate 10th International Day Of Yoga Marking Theme “Yoga for Women Empowerment”

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This year’s celebration, themed “Yoga for Women Empowerment,” aims to highlight the role of yoga in enhancing women’s health. 

14 June 2024

By Ishika Kumar

In the spirit of unity and well-being, the world is gearing up to celebrate the 10th International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2024. 

This significant day, designated by the United Nations in 2014, honours the transformative power of yoga, a practice that harmonises mind, body and spirit. From its roots in ancient India, yoga has become a universal language of wellness that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries.

PM Modi’s post on X (formerly Twitter) emphasised that yoga unites millions of people worldwide in the pursuit of holistic well-being. He called on individuals to make yoga an integral part of their daily lives, sharing videos of various asanas (yoga poses) to guide and inspire his followers.

“Ten days from now, the world will mark the 10th International Day of Yoga, celebrating a timeless practice that celebrates oneness and harmony. Yoga has transcended cultural and geographical boundaries, uniting millions across the globe in the pursuit of holistic well-being,” Modi’s post read.

Norway’s Envoy Celebrates Yoga’s Global Impact

May-Elin Stener, the Norwegian Ambassador to India, recently echoed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s sentiments on the global importance of yoga. In response to Modi’s online post commemorating the upcoming International Day of Yoga, Steiner described yoga as one of India’s greatest gifts to the world. She shared images and videos of herself practising yoga, highlighting the universal appeal and benefits of this ancient practice.

The Genesis of International Day of Yoga

The journey to officially recognise the International Day of Yoga began in 2014 when PM Modi proposed the idea during his address to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). He suggested 21st June as the ideal date, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and holds special significance in many cultures. The proposal was met with overwhelming support, leading to the first celebration of International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2015.

Since its inception, this day has become a global phenomenon, with millions participating in yoga events worldwide. The UN headquarters in New York has hosted several significant yoga sessions, including a record-breaking event in 2023 where participants from most nationalities practised yoga together.

10th International Day of Yoga: Yoga for Women’s Empowerment

This year’s celebration, themed “Yoga for Women Empowerment,” aims to highlight the role of yoga in enhancing women’s health. The event, organised by the Permanent Mission of India to the UN in collaboration with the UN Secretariat, will take place at the North Lawn Area of the UNHQ. It promises to be a landmark occasion, featuring delegates from UN Member States, UN officials, and notable personalities from various fields.

The goal is to transform yoga into a widespread movement that prioritises the importance of women’s well-being and promotes global health and peace. Participants are encouraged to register early for an online event and celebration. For registration details, please visit: https://forms.gle/WDGYinp9oufKpTG56

PM Modi’s Call to Action

In the lead-up to Yoga Day, PM Modi has been actively encouraging people to embrace yoga through a series of posts on X. He shared, “As we approach this year’s Yoga Day, it is essential to reiterate our commitment to making yoga an integral part of our lives and also encouraging others to make it a part of theirs. Yoga offers a sanctuary of calm, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with fortitude.”

Modi’s initiative to share videos demonstrating various asanas aims to make yoga more accessible to the masses and to inspire regular practice among his followers. This effort reflects his ongoing commitment to promoting yoga as a tool for achieving mental and physical balance among everyone.

Online Seven Yogasana Challenge by Champion Athletes Club

Adding to the global festivities, the Champion Athletes Club which celebrates all sporting events online is hosting an “Online Seven Yogasana Challenge” from 21st to 23rd June, 2024. 

This event allows participants to practise yoga from the comfort of their homes, promoting physical, mental and spiritual well-being. One can register for the event here: https://forms.gle/E4umQp1AfKfTgmZR9

There are many such online and offline events taking place in the country; find any nearest to you and get fit with various yoga techniques and asanas.

The Global Reach and Impact of Yoga

The International Day of Yoga serves as a reminder of yoga’s profound impact on individuals and communities worldwide. This ancient practice promotes a holistic approach to health, fostering unity and peace. Whether through public events at the UN headquarters or online challenges, the spirit of yoga continues to inspire and unite people across the globe. It is a reminder of our country’s gift to the world and India’s glorious and rich cultural history.

As we celebrate the 10th International Day of Yoga, let us embrace the principles of yoga in our daily lives. By doing so, we not only enhance our well-being but also contribute to a more harmonious and peaceful world.