Get a lifetime free credit card: No more annual fees!

A lifetime free credit card can save you money by eliminating annual fees while still providing essential credit card benefits.

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As a credit card user, you are likely familiar with the recurring annual fees, which automatically appear in your billing cycle. However, a more appealing option is now available: lifetime free credit cards.

What Are Lifetime Free Credit Cards?

Lifetime-free credit cards don’t have annual or renewal fees for as long as you keep your account in good standing. Traditional credit cards typically charge annual fees ranging from a few hundred to several thousand rupees. In contrast, lifetime-free credit cards eliminate this expense.

Are Lifetime Free Credit Cards Free?

While lifetime free credit cards do not charge any joining fee or annual fees, other charges still apply. For example, you might incur fees for late payments, cash advances, or interest on outstanding balances.

How to get a lifetime free credit card

Although lifetime free credit cards are becoming more common, they are not available to everyone automatically. Here are some tips to increase your chances of getting one:

  1. Maintain a Good Credit Score: A credit score of 750 or above is considered excellent and improves your approval chances.
  2. Have a Stable Income: Issuers often require a minimum annual income, which varies by card.
  3. Research and Compare Offers: Different banks have various lifetime free cards with unique features. You can compare them to find the best fit for your needs.
  4. Look for Promotional Offers: Some banks offer lifetime free upgrades or waive fees during special promotions.
  5. Consider Your Relationship with the Bank: If you already have an account or investment with a bank, it might be easier to qualify for their credit cards.
  6. Apply Online: Many banks provide a convenient online application process for lifetime free credit cards.

List of several major banks and financial institutions offer lifetime free credit cards, including:

  • Amazon Pay ICICI Credit Card
  • IDFC FIRST Select Credit Card
  • HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card
  • IDFC FIRST Millennia Credit Card
  • ICICI Platinum Chip Credit Card
  • AU LIT Credit Card
  • IndusInd Bank Platinum Credit Card