Google Maps Directions Lands Kerala Youths In Trouble

Google Maps Directions Lands Kerala Youths In Trouble

Google Maps Directions Lands Kerala Youths In Trouble

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Firefighters rescue young individuals stranded in river following guidance from Google Maps

July 1st, 2024 

A viral video showed Fire Force personnel rescuing youths from an overflowing river in Pallanchi. The youths were guided by Google Maps while heading to a hospital in Karnataka early in the morning.

Abdul Rasheed mentioned that Google Maps directed them onto a narrow road. They encountered a situation where a bridge without sidewalls spanned a river on both sides. The car was swept by the current but caught by a tree, enabling them to call for help.

Google Maps updates constantly using satellite imagery, Street View cars, user inputs, and data verification by a dedicated team. Despite these efforts, real-time accuracy remains a challenge, as seen in a recent incident where tourists in Kottayam drove into a swollen stream based on Google Maps directions, requiring a rescue after their vehicle was swept away.

The incident highlights the importance of using caution and local knowledge when relying on navigation apps like Google Maps, especially in unfamiliar or changing conditions such as during monsoon season.
