Government likely to ban these two drugs. Know more here

Government likely to ban these two drugs. Know more here

Government likely to ban these two drugs. Know more here

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June 26, 2024

The government is contemplating to forbid the production, import and supply of Chloramphenicol and Nitrofurans antibiotics used in food-producing animal farming due to misuse in poultry and animal feed. 

These same drugs are used to treat bacterial and urinary infections in humans. Reports from expertise across the pharmaceuticals and Drug Control Media Services have also verified this announcement that the Drugs Technical Advisory Board will soon constitute Chloramphenicol and Nitrofuran antibiotics illegal and prohibit its import and distribution.  All the pharmaceutical companies, medicinal researchers, healthcare professionals and common civilians should make a note of this. 

It has been noted that The Drugs Consultative Committee recently discussed the misuse of drugs relative to poultry and animal feed nutriments. As a result, the committee advocated a proposal to ban the production and sale of these drugs. 

In addition, to shed some light on the necessity on the prohibition of the misused drugs, The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), a statutory body established under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry to promote the exports of marine products from India, had also submitted a report to the Ministry of Animal Husbandry and Dairying in 2023, emphasising on the same concerns. Therefore, the problem was verified by the Empowered Committee on Animal Health which was again supported by the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying on a written agreement to support the ban.

On the whole, responsible use of antibiotics and supplements in animals helps preserve efficacy for treating infections in both animals and humans, ensures food safety, promotes animal welfare, and contributes   to sustainable development practices. It is also important to consider  economic impacts of not misusing medicinal research. Misuses of antibiotics  can increase costs associated with treating antibiotic-resistant infections in both animals and humans. It can also lead to losses in agricultural productivity due to disease outbreaks that are difficult  to control.