Library on Wheels for the first time in Pune, unique initiative by autorickshaw driver

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In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly on the move, and traveling has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s commuting to work, running errands, or exploring new places, we often find ourselves with some free time during these journeys. However, instead of utilizing this time to engage in productive activities like reading, most of us tend to get lost in our mobiles.

But now, thanks to the innovative thinking of a Pune-based rickshaw puller named Prashant Prakash Kamble, reading during travel has become possible. Prashant has set up a small book library in his rickshaw, where passengers can choose and read books of their choice during their journey. This initiative has not only provided an opportunity for people to read but also highlights the importance of preserving regional languages like Marathi.

Prashant’s passion for reading began early in life, and despite not having completed his education, he continued to nurture this interest by carrying a book with him while driving his rickshaw. However, during the pandemic, when the theaters where he used to work shut down, he decided to start his rickshaw business to make a living.

He noticed that most passengers would be engrossed in their mobiles, and he saw this as an opportunity to introduce the joy of reading to them. Prashant realized that by keeping books in his rickshaw, he could provide a platform for people to engage in productive activities and help them break away from their mobiles.

Moreover, Prashant’s emphasis on promoting Marathi language is noteworthy. Being a Marathi speaker himself, he feels that it is his responsibility to preserve the language and culture. He believes that by keeping Marathi books in his rickshaw, he can contribute to this cause.

Currently, Prashant’s rickshaw has 60 books, all in Marathi, and he has been running the Free Library in Rickshaws initiative for three years now. Some passengers have even donated books to him, and he also gives away free books of their choice to some of his passengers.

Many passengers have appreciated this unique initiative, and some even prefer to sit in Prashant’s rickshaw to read. This initiative not only encourages reading but also creates a sense of community and encourages people to interact with each other.

In conclusion, Prashant Prakash Kamble’s initiative of setting up a book library in his rickshaw is truly inspiring. His passion for reading and preserving regional languages like Marathi is commendable, and his innovative thinking has provided an opportunity for people to engage in productive activities during their journeys. It is initiatives like these that remind us that even small efforts can make a significant impact.

Nividita Kelapure