Maharashtra’s Baseline Assessment Of Students From Class 3 to 9 To Be Held Between July 10 and 12 

Maharashtra's Baseline Assessment Of Students From Class 3 to 9 To Be Held Between July 10 and 12 

Maharashtra's Baseline Assessment Of Students From Class 3 to 9 To Be Held Between July 10 and 12 

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In a bid to bolster educational standards, Maharashtra is gearing up for its annual baseline assessment from July 10 to 12, targeting students from grades III to IX in government run and government aided schools. This initiative, part of the World Bank-funded Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Result for States project, aims to evaluate students’ proficiency in their first language, mathematics, and second language (English). The assessment, the first of three periodic tests by the state’s education department, plays a crucial role in gauging whether students have achieved essential learning outcomes from the previous academic year. Following the assessments, district-level education institutes will be tasked with devising tailored strategies to enhance learning outcomes based on the collected data.

Teachers will analyze the results to adapt and refine their teaching methodologies accordingly. This data-driven approach ensures that policy decisions at the state level are informed by comprehensive insights into district-wide educational performance.

Looking ahead, the next assessment is scheduled for late October or early November, covering material from the first semester, while the final assessment will take place in April 2025, focusing on the latter half of the academic year. These evaluations are designed to measure students’ grasp of fundamental concepts, essential for building a strong educational foundation.

Last year, the baseline assessments covered over 44.23 lakh students across the state, showcasing the government’s commitment to enhancing learning outcomes and educational quality statewide. Through these initiatives, Maharashtra continues to strive towards improving educational standards and ensuring that every student receives a robust foundation for future academic success.
