Physical Inactivity Crisis In India: WHO Says Women More Affected Than Men

Physical Inactivity Crisis In India: WHO Says Women More Affected Than Men

Physical Inactivity Crisis In India: WHO Says Women More Affected Than Men

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A study in The Lancet Global Health found that nearly half of Indian adults are physically inactive, posing serious health threats. Inactivity has risen sharply from 2000 to 2022, with women more affected than men.

June 28, 2024,

The study undertaken amongst 197 countries between 2000 and 2022 highlights that in 2000, 22.4’% of Indians were physically inactive now, worsening up to 45.4% as per the reports of 2022. The gender disparity is significant, with 52.6% of women and 38.4% of men being physically inactive. If this trend persists, inactivity rates could hit 55% by 2030.

World Health Organization (WHO) advises 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous weekly physical activity to lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and cancers for inactive adults.

Equally important to note,  sedentary office work and poor diets are also responsible factors for deteriorating the effectiveness of physical inactivity. Especially, the service sector workload requiring excessive mobile phones and computers.

Moreover, a doctor stresses on the risks of orthopaedic diseases due to poor diets. He witnesses approximately 15-20 patients per month. He further explains that junk food is not healthy and leads to orthopedic diseases such as Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, and lower back pain experienced especially by 40-65 years individuals.

Another health expert warns about health risks from inactivity, especially for those over 40. 80% of his patients, including younger individuals, lead sedentary lives due to computer work and online activities.

Women are generally less active than men. Contrary to popular belief, household chores don’t count as significant physical activity, according to the expert, but he did not explain the reason behind this clearly.

Similarly, another expert from ILBS noted that genetic factors and poor diet increase health risks. Individuals with fatty liver are at high risk for liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and eventually liver cancer over 20-25 years.

In summary, ensure prioritizing significant amounts of time to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and consult doctors if such symptoms are visible, as soon as possible.