Pune: Choice College Observes International Day Against Drug Abuse with Awareness Event

Pune: Choice College Observes International Day Against Drug Abuse with Awareness Event

Pune: Choice College Observes International Day Against Drug Abuse with Awareness Event

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Choice College of Arts and Commerce, under the Jai Hind Education Foundation in Warje, marked the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking with a significant event. The occasion, jointly organized with RK Multipurpose Institution, Pune, was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Anwar Shaikh.

Attendees included Mrs. Bhagyashree Salunke, Secretary of RK Multinational Organization, Mr. Ahmed Jagirdar, Secretary of Jai Hind Education Foundation, and Trustees Mr. Irfan Jagirdar, Mr. Imran Jagirdar, along with Professor Sachin Pol, Parvada Pawar, Suvarna Suvarnakar, Ujwala Karwar, Jaymala More, Neeraj Ade, and college students.

In his address, Dr. Shaikh emphasized the critical importance of youth steering clear of drugs and substance abuse, highlighting the severe consequences for health and future prospects. He encouraged students to adopt a healthy, productive lifestyle and to support their peers in staying drug-free.

The event underscored the college’s commitment to raising awareness about crucial social issues, advocating for collective action in the fight against drug abuse.