Pune: Ishrat Baug’s water problem finally gains attention from Lashkar water supply officials 

Pune: Ishrat Baug’s water problem finally gains attention from Lashkar water supply officials 

Pune: Ishrat Baug’s water problem finally gains attention from Lashkar water supply officials 

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Ishrat Baug, situated on NIBM Undri road, has been suffering water problems for 2 months 

Priyanshi Mutkekar 

28 May 2024

Pune- Ishrat Baug is densely populated with around 3000 people residing in the colony on NIBM – Undri road, yet they are suffering from water supply issues. They have sent numerous complaints to ensure it is resolved in time but to no avail. Unfortunately, Ishrat Baug residents could not depend on private water tankers as the area was too narrow for the truck to pass so they were forced to stay without PMC water supply for the last 60 days. 

It was only then the residents took out morcha at the Lashkar water supply department of Pune Municipal Corporation that over 100 residents gathered to demand adequate water supply. 

Giving details to Pune Pulse, former corporator Nanda Lonkar said, “The residents have been approaching me since they didn’t receive adequate water supply. I took them to the Lashkar water supply department demanding water supply to them. It was only then the department got into working mode and also visited the area today morning providing a solution to their problem.”  The protest was joined by Prajakta Pethkar and Naeem Shaikh.

“We had been suffering a lot in the last two months because of insufficient water supply, but we noticed that the big establishments nearby were getting newer water connections. So, it seems like the problems of the poor are not addressed immediately. Yesterday, we marched to the authorities with around 100 people to demand adequate supply and they have come today to check the issue so let’s see how this pans out”, expressed Sameer Shaikh, a resident of Ishrat Baug.

“We are checking the problem thoroughly. We have put up a water booster to help with the issue, but it has not fully mitigated their worries, so our primary goal is to be watchful and dive deeper into the problem, ” said Subhash Pawara, a water supply official. 

Ishrat Baug residents sent a notice yesterday to the officials in which they mentioned if the problem was not looked into soon, they would conduct an agitation. The officials paid a visit to Ishrat Baug today to check out the issue and ensure the dispute was resolved quickly.
