Pune: Local Outrage As Shops Near Bhushi Dam Demolished Without Warning 

Pune: Local Outrage As Shops Near Bhushi Dam Demolished Without Warning 

Pune: Local Outrage As Shops Near Bhushi Dam Demolished Without Warning 

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Chetna Raja

In a surprising move at Lonavala’s Bhushi Dam, authorities have demolished long standing kiosks and stalls, triggering strong emotions among local shop owners and residents. The decision follows a recent tragic incident on Sunday when a group was swept away by gushing waters amid intense rainfall in the region. The rescue teams recovered the bodies of a 36-year-old woman and two minor girls from the dam.

Expressing deep dismay over the sudden demolition, a resident lamented, “For 40 years, we’ve been here, serving tourists and safeguarding them from various dangers. It’s heartbreaking that our efforts have been overlooked, and our livelihoods demolished overnight.” Each of the 35 stalls housed materials worth lakhs of rupees, further compounding the distress of the affected shop owners.

These shops were not merely commercial establishments but served as lifelines for the local community, providing essential income to families who sold tea, coffee, Maggie, bhaji, vadapav, and other local dishes to tourists.

The authorities justified the move, citing safety concerns and obstruction to rescue operations during emergencies. However, residents argue they were not given any prior notice or opportunity to discuss alternatives.

As the situation unfolds, residents are now demanding answers from the Lonavla Municipal Council and Pune district administration, seeking a resolution that acknowledges their longstanding contributions to tourism and community safety.

A resident of Lonavala informed Pune Pulse that these shop owners have been residing in the city for more than 40 years. They are residents of Ram Nagar and neighbouring areas who are operating near the tourist spots to earn their livelihood. 35 shops were demolished by the Lonavala Municipal Council. 
