Pune: Mohammadwadi residents in trouble due to nuisance caused by bikers

Pune: Mohammadwadi residents in trouble due to nuisance caused by bikers

Pune: Mohammadwadi residents in trouble due to nuisance caused by bikers

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The residents have Mohamadwadi, mainly from Nyati Estate, Garden, Nyati Enclave have been vocal about the bikers causing nuisance in the area. These bikers often drive at a high speed honking at odd hours. Not just that many bikers still have Silencers fitted onto them making it worst. They alleged that the problem stops when there are police complaints made through 112, but unfortunately there seems to be no end to the problem. 

On June 19, 2024 the residents of the area complained this to the 112 as well as the former Corporator Nana Bhangire seeking prompt action.  The young bikers were making noise by driving at a speed and also holding bike racing. There was loud procession early morning too. 

A Secretary of the neighbouring locality complained that something needs to be done about the nuisance created by loud music and bike silencers since last night. 

There are elderly people living, children studying, and people working from home in various housing societies. Why should we be disturbed by your celebration. 

We don’t come out on roads to celebrate. Celebrations should be limited to one’s house or society. Please do something. People at various Nyati County Societies are very upset with this. 

Another resident complained that even after calling up 112 there seems to be no quick response. This nuisance has been going for years. Why should our peace be ruined ? 

Another resident complained these bikers are creating nuisance very often and that too at odds hours , like late night – early morning. What kind of celebration is this? Why is no action taken so far inspite of repeated requests ?

Please do something about people creating nuisance through loud music & silencer fitted bikes in Mohammadwadi chowk. They are causing severe disturbance to all. PMC should also ensure that the streetlights are working. As mostly these people take advantage of the darkness, complained a senior citizen.