Pune: Protesters Demand End To Corruption at Maharashtra Pollution Control Board In Mumbai

Pune: Protesters Demand End To Corruption at Maharashtra Pollution Control Board In Mumbai

Pune: Protesters Demand End To Corruption at Maharashtra Pollution Control Board In Mumbai

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Protesters, including Halima Sheikh and Sachin Gajarmal, gathered outside the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board office in Mumbai to demand an end to corruption.


A protest took place on Wednesday in front of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board’s (MPCB’s) main office in Mumbai. The protest was led by Halima Sheikh, President of Swyam Prerna Vikas Sanstha and Sachin Gajarmal, founder of the Constitution Group. The protest aimed to end corruption within the Board and protect Pune’s industrialists from corrupt officials.

Halima Sheikh highlighted the issue saying, “Corruption is hampering the progress of our industries and must end now.” She added that “Corrupt officials, like Ravindra Andhale, Pune Divisional Officer, and Abhijit Kasbe, a field officer from the Mumbai office, delay the issuance of consent letters for months and demand large bribes. These officials not only extort money but also treat women disrespectfully.”

Entrepreneurs and social workers gathered to demand immediate action against these officials.

A written statement was submitted to the Board’s Secretary, urging swift action. “Their negligence is driving industries out of the state,” said Sachin Gajarmal. “We need transparency and efficiency, not corruption,” he added.

Rakesh Sonawane, Kamrunnisa Sheikh, Mudassar Sheikh, Sagar Jagtap, Tushar Pawar, Praveen Sonawane, Kamrunnisa Sheikh, Javidmiya Jahagirdar, Shama Sheikh, Mumtaz, and Noorjahan participated in the protest

The protesters also demanded that the Board promptly issue consent letters to both small and large industries. “We are fighting for the future of our industries and our state,” said Kamrunnisa Sheikh. The protestors believe their collective voice will bring much-needed change in the Board’s functioning.