Pune: Rajvardhan Borkar Triumphs at All India Ysaa National Level Championship

Pune: Rajvardhan Borkar Triumphs at All India Ysaa National Level Championship

Pune: Rajvardhan Borkar Triumphs at All India Ysaa National Level Championship

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Master Rajvardhan Borkar has once again proven his mettle by winning a silver medal in Silambam and the winner’s trophy in the karate knockout fight at the ALL INDIA YSAA NATIONAL LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP 2024, held in Goa from June 21st to 25th. This event marked his debut in the under-17 category.

Rajvardhan’s success is a testament to his rigorous practice and the unwavering guidance of his coach. Competing as part of Team Maharashtra, which comprised 14 talented athletes, Rajvardhan was one of the seven who brought home silver medals in Silambam, while the other seven won gold.

His journey into the spotlight began in 2021, driven by his passion and dedication to martial arts, particularly Karate and Silambam. Under the expert tutelage of Coach , Rajvardhan has refined his skills, emerging as a formidable contender on both national and international stages.

Rajvardhan’s accomplishments in both Karate and Silambam are the result of countless hours of training, discipline, and an unwavering determination to excel. His ability to master two distinct martial arts disciplines highlights his exceptional commitment and versatility.

Representing Team Maharashtra at the All India Ysaa National Level Championship 2024 is not only an acknowledgment of his talent but also a recognition of his relentless hard work and dedication. Rajvardhan’s journey serves as an inspiration to young athletes everywhere, demonstrating that with dedication and the right guidance, remarkable achievements are within reach.