Pune: Rusted Fire Arms Found Near Baramati Reservoir, Sparks Alarm

Pune: Rusted Fire Arms Found Near Baramati Reservoir, Sparks Alarm

Pune: Rusted Fire Arms Found Near Baramati Reservoir, Sparks Alarm

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Baramati Police have information that these weapons are easily available from Madhya Pradesh at very low cost. Some agents also come and sell pistols in this area.

In a startling discovery near the Mahatma Phule reservoir in Baramati, police unearthed five rusted pistols following a tip-off about their clandestine disposal. The incident has triggered apprehension in the tranquil town, prompting a rigorous investigation by authorities.

Police Inspector Santosh Gholve and his team swiftly responded to the confidential information, securing the firearms and launching inquiries into their origins and potential owners. The sudden appearance of these weapons has heightened concerns among local residents, accustomed to Baramati’s peaceful environment.

Over recent years, Baramati has seen incidents involving illegal weapons, including knives and pistols, often sourced inexpensively from Madhya Pradesh. Authorities suspect the involvement of agents facilitating the illicit arms trade in the area, underscoring ongoing efforts to curb such activities through vigilant monitoring and informant networks.

The discovery has prompted renewed police efforts to crackdown on illegal arms possession, emphasizing community safety and the prevention of criminal activities. With investigations underway, authorities are committed to uncovering the circumstances behind the deposit of these pistols, ensuring a thorough response to maintain public security.

As the community grapples with this alarming development, the Baramati City Police remains steadfast in its mission to uphold law and order, urging residents to remain vigilant and cooperative during this investigative phase.
