Pune Sees Rise In Dengue Cases 

Pune Sees Rise In Dengue Cases 

Pune Sees Rise In Dengue Cases 

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Preventing Dengue in Pune is crucial. Parents should use repellents, remove stagnant water, and ensure children wear protective clothes. Early symptom recognition and immediate medical care/ treatment can help combat the disease. 

June 27, 20024


The monsoon phase has begun in Pune bringing heavy rains in the first week of June that has created the breeding grounds for mosquitoes leading to vector-borne diseases. Consequently, there’s a rise in the number of patients admitted to hospitals with common symptoms suffering from fever, joint pain, rashes, and headache. 

As of now, records of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) have identified 406 suspected cases with the maximum number of cases (76) till 22nd June, and 10 confirmed cases. 

A doctor mentioned that the most prevalent cases of Dengue witnessed this year were suffered by individuals between 20-40 years of age. The number of patients admitted to clinics increased with a major drop in platelets and severe fever. Other symptoms include headaches, loss of appetite, and mild abdominal pain. 

Additionally, she emphasises on some patients experiencing dizziness due to dehydration and inability to eat. Doctor recommends admitting patients with severe symptoms for better treatment. 

Simultaneously, a neonatal and paediatric intensive care doctor said that he has witnessed paediatric dengue patients  at the hospital. The root cause of this revolves around sudden temperature changes, and pre-monsoon rains have become hotbeds for mosquitoes. 

Doctors cautions for immediate treatment for those experiencing lethargy, swelling on body, frequent nausea, major abdominal pain or bleeding. 

On the whole, both the doctors advise people to use repellents, nets, wear protective clothing, and consult treatment as per the requirement. Ensuring the removal of stagnant water and cleanliness in the house and surrounding is equally important.