Pune: Theft and Vandalism Plague Shewalewadi Crematorium, Citizens Demand PMC’s Action 

Pune: Theft and Vandalism Plague Shewalewadi Crematorium, Citizens Demand PMC's Action

Pune: Theft and Vandalism Plague Shewalewadi Crematorium, Citizens Demand PMC's Action

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Priyanshi Mutkekar 

Shewalewadi village, newly included under Pune Municipal Corporation, has been rocked by a disturbing incident of theft and destruction within crematorium premises. The installation of ceiling fans, facilitated by the Municipal Corporation, has been marred by the disappearance of several units, alongside extensive damage to other electrical materials. This development has left villagers in a state of frustration.

 In response to this unsettling event, the Shewalewadi Gram Panchayat, along with concerned villagers and social activists, has initiated efforts to salvage the sanctity of the cemetery. Led by social worker and former deputy Sarpanch, Rahul Shewale, the community is rallying to transform the cemetery into a dignified space. Vigilant efforts are underway to maintain cleanliness and orderliness within the premises.

Despite proactive measures taken by the Municipal Corporation, including the provision of essential amenities such as roofing, painting, and directional signage, the recent spate of thefts has underscored the pressing need for enhanced security measures. Rahul Shewale emphasizes the necessity of implementing round-the-clock security patrols and installing CCTV surveillance to deter future incidents of theft and vandalism.

Expressing deep concern over the brazen acts of criminality, Rahul Shewale has escalated the matter to the attention of authorities, including Assistant Commissioner Balasaheb Dhawale Patil and local law enforcement. While assurances have been made regarding further investigation into the matter, the community remains resolute in its quest to safeguard the integrity of its sacred spaces against such malicious acts.

Pune Pulse raised the issue with Balasaheb Dhawale , assistant commissioner, Hadapsar Mundhwa Ward office. He said, “A request for CCTV and security guards has been put forward to the main department for the crematorium. Once that is approved both these facilities would be up at the crematorium.” 
