Pune Weather Update: City to experience light to moderate rainfall while ghat sections to receive isolated heavy rainfall

Pune Weather Update: City to experience light to moderate rainfall while ghat sections to receive isolated heavy rainfall

Pune Weather Update: City to experience light to moderate rainfall while ghat sections to receive isolated heavy rainfall

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The latest weather forecast from local meteorological authorities predicts generally cloudy skies with intermittent rain for Pune and its neighbouring regions. The forecast covers the period from 21 June to 27 June and anticipates light to moderate rainfall, with isolated instances of heavy rain, especially in the ghat areas.

Beginning today, Pune will have a maximum temperature of around 30°C and a minimum temperature of around 23°C. Similar weather patterns are expected in surrounding areas such as Pashan, Lohegaon, Chinchwad, Lavale, Magarpatta, NDA, and Koregaon Park. From 21st to 25th June, the weather will be mostly cloudy with occasional light rain. As the week progresses, rainfall is expected to become heavier, especially in hilly areas, where isolated heavy rain is likely.

Residents in the ghat areas should be especially cautious on the 24th and 25th of June due to a higher probability of heavy rainfall according to the forecast. The trend is expected to peak on June 27th, with intermittent rain and the possibility of heavy to very heavy rainfall in isolated areas in the ghats.

The meteorological department advises residents and visitors in these regions to stay updated on weather conditions and take necessary precautions. The combination of cloudy skies and occasional heavy rainfall can lead to reduced visibility and potential disruptions in daily activities, especially in the more vulnerable ghat areas. Commuters are urged to plan their journeys accordingly and remain vigilant of any weather advisories issued during this period.