Puneri Pati goes viral for ‘this’ reason. Click to know more.

Puneri Pati goes viral for ‘this’ reason. Click to know more.

Puneri Pati goes viral for ‘this’ reason. Click to know more.

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Pune: The Deccan area of Pune has become the center of a heated social media debate due to two controversial signs boards. Known for their witty and sharp messages, ‘Puneri Patya’ often go viral on social media, sparking discussions and even becoming popular memes. These signs, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes direct, always manage to capture public attention. The latest signs have taken on a particularly serious issue.

Three days ago, Sambhaji Bhide, the founder of the Shri Shivpratishthan Hindustan organization, made a controversial statement about women. Supporting his statement, a signboard was put up in the Deccan area. In response, another sign was placed right below it. Both sign boards have now gone viral, prompting widespread discussion and varied opinions on social media.

The Controversial Statement:

Sambhaji Bhide recently made a statement in Pune saying, “Actresses should not attend the Vat Purnima worship ceremony and that women wearing dresses should also avoid attending religious ceremonies. Only women in sarees should participate in this ceremony.” This statement sparked a new controversy and led to protests from some political organizations.

In the wake of this controversy, two signs boards have appeared in the Deccan area:

First Sign Board: “Women should dress in a way that no one looks at them inappropriately. Courtesy – Mast Group”

Second Sign Board: “Men should keep their minds pure so that no matter how someone dresses, their gaze should not falter. Courtesy – Trast Group”

These signs, especially the second one in response to the first, have become a hot topic on social media. Many are sharing their views, supporting one sign over the other, or debating the broader implications of such messages.

Sambhaji Bhide, while addressing the public, mentioned his intentions to organize a ‘Warakari Dharakari Sangam’ event and to establish a golden throne at Raigad. He reiterated that for the protection of seven mothers like Gomata, Bharatmata, and Vedamata, people should be ready to do whatever it takes, which he termed as the vow of Hindavi Swarajya.

Bhide further stated, “We need to form groups of 10,000 people in every taluka who have taken the vow of Hindu Swarajya. Such groups will march to Raigad every day.” He controversially declared that the freedom India attained was ‘handed-down’ and ‘poor quality,’ while Hindu Swarajya is the true form of independence.

As the debate continues, the city watches closely, reflecting on the underlying issues brought to light by these seemingly simple, yet profoundly impactful, Puneri Patya.
