Refresh And Rejuvenate With Bihari Summer Drinks To Beat The Scorching Heat

Refresh And Rejuvenate With Bihari Summer Drinks To Beat The Scorching Heat

Refresh And Rejuvenate With Bihari Summer Drinks To Beat The Scorching Heat

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Rachna Prasad, the food curator and founder of Ambrosia Kitchen, shares two popular Bihari drinks: Sattu ka Sharbat and Aam Jhora. These beverages not only quench thirst but also provide a host of health benefits.

8 June 2024

By Ishika Kumar

As summer temperatures surge, our bodies crave something refreshing and revitalising to combat the heat and attain balance. One region that offers a treasure trove of cooling beverages is Bihar. 

Bihari summer drinks are not only refreshing but also packed with nutritional benefits. These traditional recipes provide a perfect way to stay hydrated and healthy. Rachna Prasad, the food curator and founder of Ambrosia Kitchen, shares two popular Bihari drinks: Sattu ka Sharbat and Aam Jhora. These beverages not only quench thirst but also provide a host of health benefits, making them an excellent addition to your summer diet.

Sattu ka Sharbat:

Known as Bihar’s very own protein shake, Sattu ka Sharbat is a traditional drink made from roasted gram flour, known as sattu. This beverage is a staple in Bihari households, prized for its nutritional value and cooling properties. According to Rachna, “Sattu ka Sharbat is not only thirst-quenching but also nutritious. It provides an instant energy boost, making it a perfect antidote to the scorching summer heat.”


–         4 tbsp Sattu (roasted gram flour)

–         3 cups cold water

–         1 tbsp finely chopped onion

–         ½ tsp finely chopped ginger

–         ½ tsp finely chopped chilli

–         1 tbsp lemon juice

–         1 tsp roasted cumin powder

–         1 tsp black salt (or regular salt, to taste)

–         Fresh mint leaves (optional)

–         Ice cubes (optional)


1.    Prepare the Sattu Mixture: In a mixing bowl, add the sattu and a little water. Mix well to form a smooth paste without lumps.

2.    Add Water and Spices: Slowly add the remaining water to the sattu paste, stirring continuously. Add lemon juice, roasted cumin powder, chopped onions, chilli, ginger and black salt. Stir well.

3.    Garnish and Serve: Take a few fresh mint leaves and add them to the drink if desired. Pour the sharbat into glasses and add ice cubes for extra chill. Stir well before serving.

Sattu ka Sharbat is a versatile drink. It can be made savoury or sweet by adding sugar instead of salt and spices. Sattu, being high in protein and fibre, also aids in digestion and helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. It can even serve as a meal replacement for those looking to manage their weight when paired with a plate of salad.

Aam Jhora:

Aam Jhora is another classic Bihari drink that is synonymous with summer. Made from raw mangoes, this beverage is celebrated for its tangy and refreshing flavour. Rachna explains, “Aam Jhora not only helps to beat the summer heat but also aids digestion. It captures the essence of summer with its invigorating taste.”


–         2 medium-sized raw mangoes

–         4 cups water

–         2-3 tbsp sugar (adjust to taste)

–         1 tsp black salt (or regular salt, to taste)

–         1 tsp roasted cumin powder

–         1 tsp black pepper powder

–         Fresh mint leaves (optional, for garnish)

–         Ice cubes (optional)


1.    Roast the Mangoes: Wash the raw mangoes and place them directly on a gas flame or grill. Roast until the skin is charred and the mangoes are soft, rotating occasionally for even roasting. Remove from heat and let them cool.

2.    Extract the Mango Pulp: Once cooled, peel off the charred skin and extract the pulp, discarding the seed. Mash the pulp thoroughly to get a smooth paste.

3.    Prepare the Jhora: In a large mixing bowl, combine the roasted mango pulp with 4 cups of water. Adjust the consistency by adding more water if needed. Add sugar, black salt, roasted cumin powder and black pepper powder. Mix well until the sugar dissolves completely.

4.    Garnish and Serve: Pour the Aam Jhora into glasses and add ice cubes for a chilled effect. Garnish with fresh mint leaves if desired. Stir well before serving.

Aam Jhora, with its high vitamin C content and digestive properties, is perfect for those hot summer days. However, due to its high sugar content, it is advisable for people with high blood sugar levels or those aiming to lose weight to consume it with caution. Pairing it with a full meal can help balance its glycemic load.

Sattu and Aam Jhora: Nutritional Insights

Sattu is a superfood known for its high protein content and low cholesterol. It is particularly beneficial when combined with buttermilk, forming a complete protein. Rich in fibre and low in fat, Sattu ka Sharbat can serve as an effective meal replacement for Weight Watchers. Avoiding extra salt can further enhance its health benefits, such as lowering insulin resistance and blood pressure.

Aam Jhora, on the other hand, provides an immediate cooling effect and balances minerals, giving a quick boost to metabolism. However, it’s important to note that its high sugar content makes it less suitable for those needing to manage their sugar intake. Reducing sugar and salt in the recipe can make it a healthier choice.

To conclude, incorporating these traditional Bihari drinks into your summer routine can help you stay cool and refreshed while providing numerous health benefits. Whether you choose the protein-packed Sattu ka Sharbat or the tangy Aam Jhora, these beverages offer a delightful way to combat the summer heat. Enjoy these drinks and stay hydrated, healthy and revitalised all summer long.
