Tragic Drowning Incident at Kalammawadi Dam Claims Two Lives

Tragic Drowning Incident at Kalammawadi Dam Claims Two Lives

Tragic Drowning Incident at Kalammawadi Dam Claims Two Lives

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Two youths, Ganesh Kadam and Prateek Patil, drowned at the Kalammawadi dam while on a holiday with friends in Radhanagari. Thirteen youths from Nipani were at the dam that morning, according to the Radhanagari police and locals.

Ganesh, who couldn’t swim, ended up in the Dudhganga waters with his friends. It’s really important to be cautious around water, especially if you’re not a strong swimmer.

Ganesh didn’t realize the depth of the water and started sinking, leading to a tragic situation when Prateek tried to save him. It’s a tough reminder of how important it is to be cautious around water, especially in unfamiliar places. And hearing about the incident at Kelavali waterfalls is just heartbreaking. Water safety is crucial in these situations.

It’s essential to always prioritize safety around water, especially when you’re not a confident swimmer. Here are some tips for water safety:

1. Learn to swim: If you’re not a strong swimmer, consider taking swimming lessons to improve your skills.

2. Never swim alone: Always swim with a buddy or in areas where there are lifeguards present.

3. Respect water bodies: Be aware of the depth, currents, and any hazards in the water before entering.

4. Wear a life jacket: When boating or engaging in water activities, wear a properly fitting life jacket.

5. Avoid alcohol: Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, so it’s best to avoid it when swimming or near water.

6. Stay within designated swimming areas: Stick to areas where swimming is allowed and supervised.

7. Be cautious of waterfalls: Waterfalls can have strong currents and hidden dangers, so exercise caution around them.
