Viral Post: Injured Maintenance Worker Forced to Work After Boss Rejects Leave Request: “Treated Like a Pest”

Viral Post: Injured Maintenance Worker Forced to Work After Boss Rejects Leave Request: "Treated Like a Pest"

Viral Post: Injured Maintenance Worker Forced to Work After Boss Rejects Leave Request: "Treated Like a Pest"

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A maintenance worker’s account of being forced to work despite a serious leg injury has sparked outrage and empathy on social media. The employee, who maintains several large private schools, shared his experience on Reddit after his boss rebuffed his request for time off to recover from a torn ligament.

The worker explained that after injuring his leg, his 70-year-old manager showed little concern for his well-being. “You’re making it really hard to get general jobs done,” the manager replied, disregarding the doctor’s recommendation for rest.

“I work maintenance for a couple of big private schools. My manager is 70,” the employee wrote in his Reddit post under the “anti-work” subreddit. 

“I’m full-time, we hired another guy to work three days, but he immediately cut down to one day. That guy only does projects, no general maintenance. So we hired another casual too, two weeks ago, and he has called in sick every day. So I basically hold it together by myself. I rolled my ankle today at work and can’t walk without a nasty limp. Instead of acknowledging how valuable I am, I get treated like a pest for being injured.”

Is it harassment?
byu/thrown-all-the-way inAusLegal

The Reddit post included a screenshot of the text exchange with his boss, highlighting the manager’s lack of empathy. “Have been trying to call but can’t get through,” the worker texted. “Just left the doctor, he wants me off my feet till Tuesday based on a torn ligament in my left foot. I can come by in the morning and drop the certificate and fill out whatever paperwork needed.”

The manager’s terse response read, “I’ve been in a planning meeting. You’re making it really hard to get general jobs done. I’m tied up Thursday with WHS tours and meetings.”

The post quickly gained traction online, with many expressing solidarity and frustration over the lack of support shown by the employer.

“Respond with ‘Oh, thanks for letting me know about your schedule. I’ll drop it off’, “one user suggested. 

Another suggested a different reply, “If me being there is so important to anything getting done, then I think you should pay me more.”

Echoing the frustration, another commenter wrote, “Even that isn’t enough here. A doctor’s request is more important than a boss’s request. If the doctor says that the person needs to be off their feet, then the hourly doesn’t matter. I would rather have an intact foot 20 years down the line than another few dollars today.”

The post also triggered discussions about broader workplace issues. “All the stuff about the recent new hires and them calling out sick has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the company and their hiring practices. Your manager is garbage, but they’re also 70, so hopefully they’ll be leaving soon,” another user expressed.

Since being posted, it has garnered over 2,900 upvotes
