Viral video shows moviegoers putting bare feet on seats in PVR multiplex; sparks outrage online

Viral video shows moviegoers putting bare feet on seats in PVR multiplex; sparks outrage online

Viral video shows moviegoers putting bare feet on seats in PVR multiplex; sparks outrage online

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Disrespectful behaviour in cinema sparks online outrage and calls for better public etiquette

June 19, 2024

A video showing several individuals in a PVR multiplex resting their bare feet on the seats in front of them has gone viral, igniting a heated discussion about public etiquette. Shared on X (formerly Twitter) by Ashwith Harshavardhan, the clip has drawn widespread condemnation for the blatant disregard for basic manners in a shared environment.

The video begins with a person filming multiple moviegoers who have propped their feet up, showing no consideration for those seated nearby. While the exact location of the incident remains unknown, the video has already amassed over 248,000 views and countless comments from outraged netizens.

“This kind of behaviour is unacceptable and disrespectful to others,” commented one user, reflecting the general sentiment. Many others echoed this view, stressing the importance of maintaining proper decorum in public spaces like movie theatres.

The incident has prompted broader discussions about public behaviour and the need for everyone to follow basic guidelines to ensure a pleasant experience for all. Simple acts like keeping feet off seats and being mindful of others’ comfort can significantly contribute to a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere.

As the video continues to circulate, it serves as a reminder of the importance of proper conduct in public spaces and the collective responsibility to maintain a considerate and pleasant environment for everyone.