Woman attacked by 15 dogs in Hyderabad; video goes viral

Woman attacked by 15 dogs in Hyderabad; video goes viral

Woman attacked by 15 dogs in Hyderabad; video goes viral

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Woman while on her morning walk attacked by pack of dogs, uses her slipper to defend herself

24 June, 2024

In a distressing incident, a woman was brutally attacked by a pack of around 15 stray dogs in Hyderabad’s Manikonda area on Saturday morning. The attack occurred at 6 AM in the Chitrapuri Hills locality and was captured on video, which has since been widely shared on social media, sparking outrage and concern.

Key Points 

• Woman attacked while she was doing her morning walk in Hyderabad’s Chitrapuri Hills

• Video shows woman falling to ground and using a slipper to defend herself

• Locals urge municipal officials to take immediate action

The woman, who was out for her morning walk, found herself surrounded and continuously attacked by the aggressive pack of dogs. Desperate to fend off the animals, she used her slipper as a makeshift weapon. Despite her efforts, the relentless attack left her exhausted and injured. After fighting for over a minute, she fell to the ground but managed to get back up and continued to defend herself.

Eventually, a passerby on a scooter intervened, helping to disperse the dogs and bring the terrifying ordeal to an end. The woman sustained serious injuries but is expected to recover. Her husband posted the video online to highlight the rising menace of stray dogs in the area, which has also affected children.

The incident has sparked a fierce debate among residents and authorities. The woman’s husband urged residents to refrain from feeding the stray dogs to prevent further incidents. This call for action has underscored the need for a sustainable and humane approach to addressing the issue of stray dogs in the community.

Local authorities and animal control agencies are being called upon to address the growing issue of stray dogs in Manikonda. Residents are demanding immediate and effective measures to ensure the safety of the community while also advocating for the humane treatment of the animals involved.

Safety Tips for Residents

1. Avoid Walking Alone: If possible, avoid walking alone in areas known for stray dog populations.

2. Carry a Deterrent: Carry a whistle, pepper spray, or a stick to fend off any potential dog attacks.

3. Stay Calm: If confronted by a stray dog, avoid making sudden movements. Stay calm and slowly back away.

4. Report Aggressive Dogs: Immediately report any sightings of aggressive or large packs of stray dogs to local authorities.

This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need for a balanced approach to managing stray dog populations. While ensuring public safety, it is equally important to promote responsible animal welfare practices. The community’s response and the steps taken by authorities in the coming days will be crucial in addressing this urgent issue.
